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Educational Inequity involves social justice, because students don’t have all the right opportunities to have a well-rounded education. There is a problem in the distribution of education in public schools around the community.Education is essential to getting a career and having stable money when students are adults. College is also a fun experience that everyone should get to enjoy. If the education in high school is challenging enough, the student will be able to get a full ride scholarship to any college. Since the parents and consumers are paying taxes they should be able to have great public schools in their own areas.

Funding for Schools
  • The state governments distribute funding for schools through state sales and income taxes, lotteries, and property taxes.

  • The public school system should find a way to provide every student with a high quality of education with the funds given.

  • A new report from the U.S Department of Education documents stated, that schools with a majority of low-income students are being cheated because school districts across the country are not equally distributing the funds.

  • The analysis of new data on 2008-09 school-level expenditures shows that multiple high-poverty schools can obtain less funding than low-poverty schools. When the students don’t get all of their funding, they lose the resources that they need.    






Effect on Students
  • If public schools neglect to solve the demanding problem, students will continue on the pattern from years ago. Students living in low-income communities will have a harder time escaping the lifestyle without an education. If those students end up in a rotation, the next generation is likely to do the same. How will the students get ahead of the game, if the schools are not brainstorming how to make things better.

  • Not only does education matter for a career, but people also gain respect because of their ranking based on their knowledge.

  • If students get the best education they will better understand the world around them.

  • Education will also help with dreams and aspirations and how to go after them. Once the dream is achieved, that person will have money so that they can have a stable income.

  • Having an education will provide the students with language skills so that they can properly express what they are passionate about.

Who is Impacted?
  • Students are the ones who are impacted by the school system, because they go to school to learn.

  • ​If they are not learning the material to succeed then the issue will affect them in the long run.

  • The parents are also affected, because they can’t help the situations that are preventing their children from having the best education.

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